
“Domain Listings” Scam

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Is this real? I received the letter below in the mail. But because I develop websites and provide hosting I often get questions from clients about similar letters and emails. These offers are for real domain names that we own. Even though the domain names are immediately recognized, the fees and the name of the
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How Agencies Create a New Client Termageddon Account Summer 2019

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After obtaining your own Agency account from Termageddon visit your Dashboard. Mine looks like this after adding BlogWranglers to my Dashboard. As the Agent, you fill in the Initial Information as part of creating the account. The client can then edit this information to ensure that it is correct. After this initial information is added,
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Why You Need an Automated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

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TLRL: Privacy laws are changing and I am not a lawyer. We use Termageddon to dynamically comply with the changing Privacy laws. Privacy Policies Did you know that European countries and now states in the United States are passing privacy protection laws? Some of these US laws allow citizens to sue businesses anywhere in the
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Inbound Marketing and Interruption Advertising

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Will more and more brands become independent content creators rather than placing their ads around other people’s content? During the 37th Social Media Breakfast in Boston we heard some answers. The conversation covered a ranged of subjects including one of the Inbound Marketing tenants that says traditional advertising is based on interruption while Inbound Marketing
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Distilled’s SearchLove Boston 2015

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After five years, Distilled continues to bring interesting speakers and delegates to the Boston area to learn and share their love for search. I have been attending this conference since the days when it was called the Pro SEO Seminar and continue to find great value in attending. LinkLove was good as well, but that
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Mission Success on Empire Avenue

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I just ran my first mission on Empire Avenue.  Here is what I learned. What is a Mission? Missions drive social engagement. I setup my Mission to ask people to visit and click on the social sharing buttons on the left side of the page. You can click on the ones right here on
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Empire Avenue for Content Promotion

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I wrote a post on Slide Presentation Tips for Conference Speakers. Promoting quality content effectively is all about leveraging influence. Using a network is an effective method. Empire Avenue for Content Promotion I joined Empire Avenue back in April and have enjoyed many benefits, including an entirely new network of positive and motivated people. I am
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Citi Doesn’t Think Social Media is a Fad

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When my middle school daughter hears a three year old song on the radio and I ask why she doesn’t like it, the common response is, “ew it’s old”. About now you should be asking yourself what that has to do with Social Media being a fad and Citi, or as I still think of
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My Comments Were Not Posting on WordPress Blogs due to Akismet Spam Protection

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I began to notice that my blog comments were not posting on the blogs that I visited. I went through a series of excuses in my mind after each failure to post my finely crafted comment.  I thought; What a lame website Did I click cancel instead of submit? Is CoComment “doing something” here? Is
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New JBS Partners Business Cards are Awesome

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What do you see in the icon? Think about it before reading on and please offer your thoughts in the comments below. There are at least six answers that have been mentioned and a handful of representations are intentional. A spider web Partners – the people shoulder to shoulder in a circle Navigation wheel of
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